What is ‘customer discovery’?

A big topic.   A quick gripe before I get started as I often wonder why we refer to ‘customer’ discovery, then spend the rest of time talking about ‘users’? I really discourage use of the term ‘user’. It’s disrespectful, it’s reductive – treats what are real people as just numbers. So I would suggest … Read more

How do I do customer interviews (really well)?

One of the most amazing and fundamentally game-changing tools a startup founder can use to develop their idea and build a great business? You guessed it… the customer interview. Now it can be a time-consuming drag when it doesn’t go so well and you’d rather go build your mvp. Or, seen another way it can … Read more

Developing frozen meal delivery service

Objectives Understand key motivations for purchasing from new frozen food delivery service Refine target audience Develop insight into how the service could be developed further Sample Current customers Location UK Method Customer interviews + online qual community + website survey Outcome Research highlighted the true value of the service and provided valuable feedback to motivate … Read more

Customer discovery for new kids tech brand

Objectives Understand customer profile, motivations, attitudes, triggers for fast-growing kids’ tech brand Sample Existing customers Location Global Method Online survey + online qual community Outcome Research was able to relay to the business all about the customer – who they are, what motivates them to buy, attitudes towards the category, insights into product usage – … Read more

Developing online car buying proposition

Objectives Understand the needs of online car purchasers Provide feedback to develop ideas to propositions Sample Recent car purchasers & soon to purchasers Location UK Method Survey + online qualitative study Outcome Research was able to understand the motivations, triggers and drivers around car purchase and develop a broad range of ideas into clear propositions

Understanding gamers’ purchase journey

Objectives Identify key ways to increase audience engagement with specific PC gamer segments Understand the purchase journey of key customer segments when buying PC peripherals Sample PC Gamers – recruited to match specific client segmentation criteria Location US (remote online) Method Online 5-day mobile ethnography study Outcome Research uncovered insights around the needs and motivations … Read more